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Criminal defendants: Are you being watched?

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2023 | Crimes

If you have been accused of criminal wrongdoing, you may be feeling pretty paranoid at the moment. That’s understandable, as your decisions are currently being scrutinized by the government and you’re at risk of incurring any number of consequences as a result of your alleged behavior in the event of your conviction. 

It’s important to remain calm and clear-headed as your case unfolds. Doing so will help you to make thoughtful decisions that could strengthen your case and avoid missteps that could weaken your defense. With that said, you should also use that pit of paranoia in your stomach to your advantage too. By behaving as if you’re being watched, you just might tread carefully enough that you act consistently in ways that support your best interests during this consequential time. 

Communication of all kinds

There are any number of things that you could do between this moment and when your case is resolved one way or another to influence its outcome. From contacting someone who has secured an order of protection against you to exploring your legal options, your actions now have consequences.

Among the best ways to use your everyday choices to your advantage right now involves how you choose to communicate with others. It’s difficult for prosecutors to get hold of text messages and email messages without a subpoena, for example. But, it’s not impossible. So be very careful with what you type. Even more importantly, be careful with what you post. Social media platforms are public and can – and frequently are – searched with ease, regardless of how high your privacy settings are enabled. 

In short? Prosecutors may or may not be watching you in various ways. But by acting as if they are, you just might behave in ways that strengthen your position and avoid ways that don’t serve your interests. 


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